Spanish Wall
- Depth: 15-100 ft | 5 – 30 m
- Visibility: 60-150+ ft | 18-45+ m
- Current: 0-2 mph | 0-3 km/h
Usually done as a slow drift dive past the slopes & walls. You’ll find steeply descending slopes high- lighted by a series of vertical walls from 60 – 85 ft. (18 – 25 M). Each of the walls is roughly 50 meters long.
CoralsThis part of the reef takes its name from the delicate, white Pulse corals which look like Spanish lace and grow in the alcoves, crevices & undercuts. These lace corals will only be found in niches that are sheltered from heavy waves & current action. There is also an abundance of pink & purple lace coral growing among the soft corals.
Fish LifeExpect a full range of pelagics and larger reef fish down below 30 ft. (9 M) and when you face the Blue. The deeper sections of the wall are visited by sharks more often than the upper reef. You’ll find morays if you look for them.