Fan Dancer
- Depth: 5-120 ft | 2-37 m
- Visibility: 30-50 ft | 9-15 m
- Current: 0-3 mph | 0-5 km/h
A channel with a sandy bottom and coral walls that push more than 3 miles into the lagoon. The mouth of this channel is a favorite site for night diving due to the active fishlife. Near the bottom of the channel are numerous large sea fans. Additionally, the sandy bottom around the channel entrance is littered with artillery shells and other ammunition from WWII plus a Japanese torpedo and a machine gun.
CoralsThe sheltered walls inside are lined with all types of both hard and soft corals in pristine condition. Many swim-throughs, overhangs, and sea fans at the deeper depths serve to make this dive even more of a delight despite visibility sometimes being limited by the. tidal wash from nearby mangroves.
Fish LifeReef Sharks are often seen near the channel entrance and nurse sharks commonly hide in the crevices on the bottom and along the walls.