Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    Arrival: Departure:

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Search results for 'I'

    Eu Sentencio Vocês…

    in Uncategorized

    Nota de José Truda: Muitos de nossos amigos no Brasil que não lêem Inglês ficaram curiosos com o post feito pelo Bill Acker sobre o nosso casamento em Yap. Com…

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    Manta Fest 2013 – A Premiação

    in Uncategorized

    Texto de: B_rad Concluímos duas semanas de mergulhos incríveis desta edição da Manta Fest com uma celebração ao estilo Bill Acker e Manta Ray Bay, uma comemoração com as cores…

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    Manta Fest 2013 – As Fotos dos Profissionais

    in Uncategorized

    Texto de: B_rad Ainda estamos desfrutando das melhores condições possíveis para mergulhar em Yap. Ontem, em um dos barcos que saiu durante todo o dia, tivemos três mergulhos fantásticos e…

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    Manta Fest – Segundo Dia

    in Uncategorized

     Texto por: B_rad A festa começou a esquentar no segundo dia do evento! O dia começou com mais um nascer do sol espetacular visto do pier dos barcos. Eu (Brad)…

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    MantaFest: Profi-Galerie

    in Manta Fest German | MantaFest

    Nach wie vor herrschen in Yap ideale Tauchbedingungen. Gestern war die “Popou” – unser Gruppenschiff für bis zu 16 Gäste – den ganzen Tag lang draußen und wurde von einer…

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    Manta Fest – Pro media

    in Uncategorized

    We are still experiencing the best of Yap diving conditions. Yesterday on an all day boat we had 3-for-3 awesome dives and everyone is bringing home packed SD cards. The…

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    Ein fliegender Teppich schwebt durch’s Reich der Haie

    in Manta Fest German | MantaFest

    An diesem Morgen hatten wir einige ziemlich ungewöhnliche Geschehnisse an Vertigo. Die erste handfeste Überraschung war ein Mantarochen, der über die Riffplatte ins freie Wasser segelte. In der einen Minute…

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    Manta Fest – Media Leak

    in Uncategorized

    We had some untraditional Vertigo events going down this morning with solid action. Our first surprise was a Manta Ray buzzing a shark bait box dive – one minute we’re…

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    Die zweite Woche ist angebrochen!

    in Yap Divers @de

    Vorhang auf für die finale Woche des MantaFest. Hier seht ihr Bilder vom üblichen Start einer Tauchwoche im Manta Ray Bay, Bill nennt es “Meet the managers meeting”. Dabei stellt…

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    Manta Fest – Final Week

    in Yap Divers

    Welcome to the final week of Manta Fest. This is how all dive weeks start out at Manta Ray Bay, Bill calls it a “meet the managers meeting”. Here Bill…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)