Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Search results for 'I'

    Yap Mantas in B/W

    in Uncategorized

    The manta action is getting stronger with the mating behavior. During this season a typical cleaning station experience is multiple animals with a one-track mind. This means that they care…

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    90 minutes at the Caverns

    in Uncategorized

    The day you take your macro system to the reef is certainly the day that a big animal show is going to go down 15 feet away from you. Yesterday…

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    Going Green-er

    in Uncategorized

    Phase one of our solar power project is now complete and producing clean energy for the resort. 56 panels are now on-line and are capable of producing 13 kilowatts of…

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    Big Animal Research

    in Uncategorized

    Julie Hartup is back on island for Thanksgiving week, more manta research and data collecting as well as some general yapping around. The Manta Ray Bay helps this project with…

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    If you just let us know…

    in Uncategorized

    We’re always more than happy to do something special for our friends.  This time it was Daniel and his wife Marion celebrating her 50th birthday on their recent Yap dive…

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    Anna Filey September 17, 1959 to October 28, 2013

    in Uncategorized

    “She’s no longer with us”.  With those words, my wife Patricia Acker informed us that Anna Filey passed away a few minutes ago at 1 PM, Manila time, in the…

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    tauchen award 2014: Eure Stimme zählt! :-)

    in Yap Divers @de

    Wir würden uns sehr darüber freuen, wenn Ihr im Rahmen des tauchen award für uns stimmen würdet! Das dauert nur wenige Minuten 1) Einfach hier klicken. 2) E-Mail-Adresse und den…

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    Vor und nach dem Tauchen: Aus der Sicht unseres brasilianischen Freundes José Palazzo

    in Yap Divers @de

    Urlaubsreisen zu weit abgelegenen Plätzen machen uns oft skeptisch, was die Unterkünfte angeht. Schließlich ist es für uns Brasilianer ganz normal, zwischen 25 und 30 Stunden unterwegs zu sein und…

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    Before and after the diving – seen through the eyes of our Brazilian friend José Palazzo

    in Yap Divers

    Often, a trip to distant places makes us apprehensive about the conditions for hosting. After all, it is common for Brazilians have to spend 25 to 30 hours hopping from…

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    Antes e Depois dos Mergulhos em Yap… Muita Mordomia!

    in Yap Divers @pt-br

    Frequentemente, uma viagem a lugares distantes para mergulhar deixa a gente apreensivo sobre as condições de hospedagem que eu e Nalu vamos encontrar. Afinal, é comum para os brasileiros terem…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)