Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Search results for 'I'

    Manta Mania 2018 Trip Report

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    Our fourth Manta Mania event brought divers and scientsts together to learn about Manta Rays, Sharks and Coral Reef Systems in a fun and social vacation package. This year we…

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    2017 Marine Biology Weeks Event Report

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    ***Great first MARINE BIOLOGY WEEKS at Manta Ray Bay Resort !*** Three different Workshops were successfully conducted in course of the first Marine Biology Weeks at Manta Ray Bay Resort…

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    Manta Mania 2018

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    Here is our lineup of presenting scientists for our next Manta Mania citizen science event. Come learn about sharks and rays while diving with big animals in a super size…

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    Marine Biology Weeks Trip Report

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    Great first MARINE BIOLOGY WEEK at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers! During the 3-day Marine Biology Workshop “basic” we started with fishes, how to identify the families, their…

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    Eine Premiere in Yap: Nachlese zum Meeres-Biologie-Workshop Teil 2

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    Diplom-Biologe Stephan Moldzio über die 1. Meeresbiologie-Woche in Yap:   “Während des zweitägigen Korallenbestimmungs-Workshops befassten wir uns ausführlich mit Korallen und der Methode der Korallenbestimmung auf Ebene der verschiedenen Gattungen.…

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    Eine Premiere in Yap: Nachlese zum Meeres- biologie-Workshop Teil 1

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      Diplom-Biologe Stephan Moldzio über die 1. Meeresbiologie-Woche in Yap: „Während des dreitägigen Basis-Workshop Meeresbiologie nahmen wir als erstes die Fische unter die Lupe und klärten, wie die verschiedenen Familien…

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    Lob & Auszeichnungen 2017

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    Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers haben in diesem Jahr gleich drei Auszeichnungen erhalten: den Trip Advisor Travelers’ Choice Award 2017, eine 6/6 Punkte-Bewertung von Holiday Check and dazu…

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    2017 Praise and Awards

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    Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers earned Trip Advisor Travelers’ Choice Award 2017 as well as a 6/6 rating on Holiday Check and was just given a SCUBA Diving…

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    Philippines + Yap Special Combinations

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      Plan your “Big and Small” exotic dive trip combining Yap and the Philippines. Dive Marine Parks in both countries and experience some of the world’s most consistent big animal…

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    Coral ID Workshops

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    November 12th – November 26th is Marine Biology Weeks in Yap! Learn coral identification and all about reef ecosystems in a two week dive package in Yap, with Stephan Moldzio…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)