tauchen award 2014: your vote counts :-)
If you like Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers, we would definitely appreciate your vote for Yap Divers as the best dive center of the Indopacific/Pacific.
The “tauchen award”, which is set up by scuba diving magazine “tauchen”, is the most recognized trophy within the German/Swiss/Austrian diving industry.
Even though the website you need to go to to vote for us is in German, it is actually very easy and takes no longer than 3 minutes:
1) Open: https://www.tauchen.de/award2014/
2) Enter your mail address in the center of the website and the security code shown to the right.
A minute later you will find a mail in inbox, click on the link to open the website to hand in your vote.
3) Scroll down to Kategorie 12: Basis Indopazifik (category 12: dive center indopacific / categoy includes pacific as well)
Enter Mikronesien in the first field, Yap in the second and Yap Divers in the third one
4) Scroll down to the lower end and fill in your first name (Vorname), your second name (Nachname), Street and no. (Straße, no.), phone number (Telefon),
country (Land). Submit.
According to the editorial staff, the private information will be treated confidently and not be forwarded for any other purpose, you are free to omit your address and phone number.
What others say
Patricia + me voted today of course for Yap Divers. BR to all. Hope to see you in 2014.
I did vote for you – really excellent dive center in the great place. Thank you all, have been 3 times, and will come again!