Stan de Haas

Stan de Haas is a full-time (underwater) photographer from the Netherlands who specializes in panoramic and underwater photography. With his company, PoolSensations, he is internationally renowned as an architect of perception in the leisure industry. His printed work can be found on enormous walls in public indoor swimming pools owned by the government and holiday parks.
His passion for diving began in 1974 when he was eleven years old and went underwater for the first time. After his training as a military diver and his education as a commercial diver, he started a diving school in the Netherlands.
He is an ambassador for IDD Worldwide Dive Academy. He has published the book “stretching world” and is the official supplier of underwater (action)photos for the Dutch Army. In addition to being a diver, Stan is primarily a globetrotter, having visited more than 125 countries.
Over the years, he has built up an image bank of more than 5000 photos from all corners of the world and has been published worldwide in print. It is therefore not surprising that Stan has found his way to Yap…
You can find more of him at and