Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Screw mantas, let’s move on to the sharks… MantaFest shoot-out – August 29 – Day two

    in Yap Divers

    Underwater photographers are one of a kind… “Well, we got our mantas yesterday, now let’s move on to the sharks“, was the general opinion on the jetty in the morning.…

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    Manta Journal #1

    in Manta Fest German | Yap Divers @de

    MantaFest Shoot-Out – 28.08.2011 – Tag Eins „Endlich da!“ Mit gutem Wetter und natürlich mit mares-Equipment im Gepäck kam Reisejournalist Frank Schneider (u.a. tauchen) nach einem Jahr zurück ins Manta…

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    Manta Journal #1

    in MantaFest | Yap Divers

    With good weather in his bags, travel journalist Frank Schneider made his way back to Manta Ray Bay Resort in Yap. In contrast to last year when he did a…

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    European shows: Salon de la Plongee, Boot, FESPO

    in Misc

    We at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers would like to take a minute to thank the newbies, the repeaters and colleagues from the industry who passed by at…

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    Ammenmärchen werden wahr!

    in Yap Divers @de

    Okay, es klingt dekadent, aber seien wir doch mal ehrlich: Schwerelos über Korallenriffe segeln macht erst richtig Spaß, wenn der Blick von der einen zur anderen Kanalseite reicht. Am Yap…

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    Tauchen – tauchen – TAUCHEN!

    in Manta Fest German

    Die Tage fliegen vorbei: Fast alle der Manta Fest-Teilnehmer sind mindestens drei Mal täglich im Wasser, ob nun in Mi’l Channel, Vertigo, oder unserem Makro-Favoriten Slow & Easy. Oder um…

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    Manta Fest = Shark Fest

    in MantaFest | Yap Divers

    Story and Photos by Tim Rock The Manta Fest days are officially underway with Andy and Ray and myself slated to be giving seminars starting this week. The first day…

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    Manta Fest 2010 Ready to Start

    in MantaFest

    Story and Photo by TIM ROCK Manta Fest in Yap is slated to begin this weekend. A few of us are here early including my free diver friend Ai Futaki.…

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    Mantas, Eagle Rays and Donald Croc under the umbrella of the ocean’s surface

    in Manta Visions

    There was some rain last week, …but there is nothing wrong about that, unless your plan is to play tennis or golf. Fortunately we are diving here in Yap Island…

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    Trader Jack Cooper

    in Trips

    On Thursday night, Patricia, Greg Wilson and I were treated to a very memorable, and rare, occasion.  We were invited to dinner at the private home of Trader Jack Cooper,…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)