Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Search results for 'I'

    Começando Bem 2014 em Yap!

    in Uncategorized

    Texto de: B_rad & José Palazzo Amigos do Mergulho e de Yap, 2014 chegou em nossa ilha com muitos bons mergulhos e uma tribo bem diversificada de visitantes internacionais. A virada…

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    As Mantas de Yap em Preto & Branco

    in Uncategorized

      Texto de: B_rad Amigos de Yap e do Mergulho, a atividade por aqui está ficando ainda mais animada com o aumento dos comportamentos reprodutivos. Durante a estação de acasalamento,…

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    Yap Status Report

    in Yap Divers

    The whole island has been buzzing with divers – there were about 7 boats running when this week kicked off. For Yap, that’s a crowd. The good thing is that…

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    tauchen award 2014: your vote counts :-)

    in Yap Divers

    If you like Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers, we would definitely appreciate your vote for Yap Divers as the best dive center of the Indopacific/Pacific. The “tauchen award”,…

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    MantaFest Awards

    in Manta Fest German

    Texto de: B_rad Alles muss ein Ende haben, aber nach zwei Wochen endete das große MantaFest-Finale zumindest mit einer rauschenden Party bei der auch jeder gern die Farben von Yap…

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    Manta Fest – Awards

    in Uncategorized

    Texto de: B_rad We wrapped up two killer dive weeks and this year’s Manta Fest with a custom Bill Acker and Manta Ray Bay celebration in traditional Yap color. The…

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    Countdown to the Awards

    in Uncategorized

    Ladies and gentlemen, the time has (almost) come: it’s only a matter of hours before master-of-ceremonies Bill Acker will launch the awards on Mnuw. 9 AM saw the deadline for…

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    Der Countdown läuft!

    in Yap Divers

      Rien ne va plus – nichts geht mehr: Heute morgen um 9 Uhr war Abgabetermin für die Bilder.. Viele der Gäste, wie Markus und Julia (im Bild), haben noch…

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    Mergulhando com Tubarões durante a Manta Fest

    in Uncategorized

      Texto de: B_rad Os deuses do tempo estão sorrindo para nós na Manta Fest aqui em Yap! As condições de hoje estavam sensacionais. Os participantes já registraram entre 6…

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    Manta Fest 2013 – O Evento do Ano em Yap

    in Uncategorized

    Todo ano, o Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers organiza a Manta Fest, um evento que atrai mergulhadores, profissionais da imagem sub e amigos da conservação marinha de vários…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)