Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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    Search results for 'I'

    Yap Corner

    With large oceanic gray sharks as well as large schools of jacks, snappers, barracuda, and eagle rays, Yap Corner is a very exciting, newly discovered (autumn 2000), dive that has…

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    Telegraph Reef

    A great night dive for exploring among the rocky shelves and bommies before coming to the channel entrances where there is active fishlife. Remnants of a subsea telegraph cable can…

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    A vertical wall that curves in & out. The current usually less than 1/2 knot makes this an easy drift dive. This portion of the reef has a steeper wall…

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    Slow & Easy

    The inshore reef gradually drops down from the surface to the sandy bottom. Many niches, crevices, and outcropping provinces provide shelters for many critters and nocturnal species, making an ideal…

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    Sakura Terrace

    A series of gentle terraces with many niches, crevices, and coral outcroppings drops gradually to a coral plateau. Often used for night diving when the seas are calm. The gentle…

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    Pealak Corner

    Following the edge of the plateau at about 60 ft. (18 M) allows you to overlook a large sandy plain. Looking up, you may see schools of reef fish; looking…

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    Paaw Reef

    The north section of the reef consists of a gentle coral slope that extends to an abrupt drop-off that starts at about 70 ft. (22 M) The south portion of…

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    O’keefe’s Passage

    Extending almost 2 miles from the ocean to the docks of Colonia, this sandy-bottomed ship channel has several areas worth diving. A drift in along the southern side of the…

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    Fan Dancer

    A channel with a sandy bottom and coral walls that push more than 3 miles into the lagoon. The mouth of this channel is a favorite site for night diving…

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    Gapow Reef

    A double wall. The near-vertical wall from 15 to 50 ft (5 – 15 M) sits atop a wide sandy coral reef terrace that very gradually slopes off to 70…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)