Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Search results for 'I'

    Wie würdet Ihr das nennen?

    in Yap Divers @de

    Bericht von Bill Acker zum gestrigen Tauchtag: “Ich werde Euch jetzt von meinem Tag berichten, aber Ihr seid herzlich eingeladen, zu kommentieren, wie Ihr so einen Tauchtag bezeichnen würdet. Gegen…

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    Unique Yap Manderin Fish Coloration?

    in Yap Divers

    We have ourselves a latent discovery that’s currently “under investigation” – do Manderin fish in Yap have a unique color pattern? This was first noticed by a guest of ours,…

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    What Would You Call It?

    in Yap Divers

    I am about to share my day with you but I am asking any of you to send me your comments on what you would call a day that went…

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    Scuba Diver Girls

    in Yap Divers

    Would anyone else like to see a custom scuba diver girls party go down in Yap? I polled the Mantas and it was unanimous, they all want it to happen.…

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    Live-Chat ist eingerichtet!

    in Yap Divers @de

    Ich bin sehr erfreut, eine neue Erweiterung unserer Webseite nutzen und kurz vorstellen zu können.  Diese Funktion erlaubt es, in Echtzeit mit Jedem in der Welt zu chatten, der eine…

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    Live Chat Feature

    in Uncategorized

    I am very excited to begin using a new feature added to our website.  This feature gives me the ability to chat live, with anyone in the world, should you…

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    Yap Plane Wreck Diving

    in Uncategorized

    Yep, there’s a two-seater war plane with bullet holes in it crashed into the lagoon that is now part of the coral landscape. This is a surface interval activity, it’s…

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    in Uncategorized

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Business owners, professionals join campaign to restrict international trade on endangered shark and ray species RIO DE JANEIRO, February 25th – Diving industry stakeholders from around the…

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    Andy and Allison Vitsky Sallmon in Yap

    in Uncategorized

    Article By Andy Sallmon and Allison Vitsky Sallmon Spoiled for choice in the mantas’ realm Exhilarated and starving, we pulled off our gear as the divemaster began the roll call.…

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    Silvertip Search and a M’il Deco Dive

    in Uncategorized

    We experimented today with the shark calling bottle trick and a box of tuna heads over the infinite blue depths under the reef wall at Big Bend. The rest of…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)