Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Search results for 'I'

    Yap + Philippines

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    Our newest special offer and combination dive package! Check out a Micronesia + Philippines dive trip that puts you into the water with guaranteed big animals, in Yap, and some…

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    Family Weeks in Yap

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    Join our new family weeks in Yap at our first annual Kids Sea Life Adventures dive package. This ecology-based hands-on experience is structured for ages 4 and up, there’s something…

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    Manta Mania em Yap – Mergulhos Fantásticos, Ciência e Conservação!

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    Amigos do Mergulho, A Manta Mania é o evento de Mergulho que mais cresce na Micronésia e em 2017 lotou nosso resort com entusiastas da vida marinha e, claro, das…

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    Specialty Photography

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    Steven Miller from Ikelite photo school, who is a MantaFest presenter at this year’s photo event, puts Yap in print with his gallery of sharks, rays, caverns… and even the…

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    New Manta ID – “Gabe”

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    This is citizen science. Manta Mania 2017 produced 2 new manta ray IDs in the Yap Manta Project database. This budding male put on a magical moment for one diver…

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    Event-Bericht zu Manta Mania 2017

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    Als unsere am schnellsten wachsende Veranstaltung hat Manta Mania in diesem Jahr für ein volles Haus gesorgt. Egal, aus welchen Ländern der Welt sie stammen – Taucher und Wissenschaftler eint…

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    Manta Mania 2017 Event Report

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    Manta Mania 2017 is our fastest growing event and made for a full house this year. People and scientists from all over the world shared a few common interests –…

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    2017 Traveler’s Choice

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    It’s a big shout out from the Traveler Community that put Manta Ray Bay Resort in the Top 25 Hotels in the South Pacific. Receiving this award is a great…

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    NEW Sea-Life Adventures Event

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    June 18th to July 1st Coming up this summer is Yap’s newest event, Sea-Life Adventures, designed for families with interactive activities for travelers of all-ages from 2 to 17 and…

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    Nicht mal fliegen ist schöner: Die Steilwände im Westen

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      Auch wenn unser Hai-Paradies Vertigo und die abwechslungsreichen Yap Caverns im Südwesten wohl die bekanntesten Plätze auf der Philippinen-Seite sind, erstreckt sich vom Yap Corner bis zur Südspitze fast…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)