Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    Search results for 'what'

    Yap Status Update

    in Uncategorized

    Anyone know what day it is? Things are firing over here, it’s a full house, full dock, full boats and a full reef… with Mantas that is. Stewart donated his…

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    Things to do on Your Surface Interval in Yap, Micronesia

    in Uncategorized

    In July we had the great good fortune to play a role in the wedding of Evelyn & Steve VanAntwerp who came to dive with the Manta Ray Bay Resort…

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    Rainy day on the reef

    in Uncategorized

    This morning the place to be, was on the reef. Just as we warmed up and dried off, weather-wise, it turned wet, grey and just plain nasty out. The good…

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    July Yappenings

    in Uncategorized

    Thanks Bruce for your comments on the Lap around Yap post… he gave the ole, “Yeah, yeah, show me what we really come for…” – Roger that. Today we’re looking…

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    Yap “Mystery Fish”

    in Uncategorized

    We have a real mystery brewing on the island. A couple days ago our guest Eric from Bakersfield, CA brought back a photograph of a fish, that so far, has…

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    Guide Excellence on the Reef

    in Yap Divers

    Check out John’s form in the water this morning. It turns out that my SD card caught a nice dive guide example moment and thought I’d share. All of this…

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    Getting around Yap

    in Uncategorized

    I’m happy to be the one to pass this information. I’ve been checking this place out and sure enough it’s the real deal island paradise. First, let’s cover some basics…

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    Honeymoon Yap Tour

    in Uncategorized

    Meet Martyn and Paulina from Cambridge. They just wrapped up a week in Palau then pulled a “honeymoon” line in and out of the water here in Yap. They managed…

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    The 4th of July Week in Yap

    in Misc

    Yap Divers and the Manta Ray Bay Hotel 4th of July holiday week on the island – This is today’s Yap status report, the latest dive conditions and a demonstration…

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    We’re among the “TOP 10 Manta Viewing Destinations” – our sharks are jealous now!

    in Yap Divers

    Mogethin! Dear Manta Ray Bay friends, Good news! Okay, you might have read the newsline before, but I find it important to go into detail. I recently had the pleasure…

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    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)