Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    NEW Sea-Life Adventures Event

    Posted by on January 24, 2017
    June 18th to July 1st Coming up this summer is Yap's newest event, Sea-Life Adventures, designed for families with interactive activities for travelers of all-ages from 2 to 17 and adults, both divers and non-divers - this event truly is for everybody. There will be interactive educational sessions with field trips to sites where participants...

    MantaFest 2017

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on January 10, 2017
    Sei dabei wenn wir unser zehntes MantaFest in Folge feiern – bei unserem alljährlichen Foto- und Video-Festival wird es in diesem Jahr nicht nur den bislang größten Workshop mit der besten Besetzung professioneller Dozenten geben, sondern auch und die meisten Preise, die wir je vergeben haben.           Die Daten: 26. August...

    MantaFest 2017

    Posted by on January 7, 2017
    Celebrate our 10th annual MantaFest photo and video festival - this year will be our biggest workshop with our best line up of presenting professionals and the most prizes we've ever given away.     August 26th - September 10th are the dates for the next MantaFest photography festival in Yap. Our presenter line up...

    Nicht mal fliegen ist schöner: Die Steilwände im Westen

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on December 28, 2016
    [caption id="attachment_8111" align="alignright" width="513"] Die prototypische Steilwand in Yap - Juwelenzackenbarsche, tanzende Fahnenbarsche, 40 Meter Sichtweite... und Überraschungen, die hinter jeder Ecke warten können.[/caption]   Auch wenn unser Hai-Paradies Vertigo und die abwechslungsreichen Yap Caverns im Südwesten wohl die bekanntesten Plätze auf der Philippinen-Seite sind, erstreckt sich vom Yap Corner bis zur Südspitze fast durchgängig...

    Der 1. Yapesische Tauchlehrer!

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on December 28, 2016
    Wir gratulieren OP Acker ganz herzlich zur bestandenen Prüfung als frisch gebackener erster einheimischer Tauchlehrer in Yap! Und natürlich auch dazu, dass er die "Acker-Linie" als Tauch-Pioniere in Yap weiterführt. Mit OP im Tauchteam sind nun zwei Mitglieder der Familie Acker als PADI-Profis auf den Tauchbooten dabei um unseren Gästen von überall auf der Welt...

    First Yapese Dive Instructor

    Posted by on December 24, 2016
    Congratulations to OP Acker on becoming the first Yapese dive instructor and carrying on the Acker legacy as a dive pioneer in Yap. With OP on the dive team, there are now two Ackers as PADI professionals on the dive boats showing guests Yap magic underwater. As Manta Ray Bay celebrates our 30th anniversary as...

    Yap… Gibt’s da nicht nur Mantas und Haie

    Posted by on December 16, 2016
    Zugegebermaßen: Über diese Aussage stolpert man schon mal – und tatsächlich gehen die Knorpelfischchen im Beginner-freundlichen Flachwasser auch als unsere Hauptattraktionen durch. Zwei zehn Bootsminuten voneinander entfernte Tauchplätze, die etliche Haie in weniger als zehn Meter und Mantas in fünf Meter Wassertiefe bieten, gibt es weltweit tatsächlich nirgendwo sonst. Dass es in Yap „nur“ diese...

    New Marine Biology Weeks Event

    Posted by on December 1, 2016
    November 12th – November 26th Join our Marine Biology event where we'll be diving Yap on a conservation learning expedition with scientists teaching three different workshops. Eco-adventure for everyone! Divers, snorkelers and non-divers can learn about and help conserve precious coral reefs in an active hands-on workshop in Yap. 7 night / 10 dives $1,869...

    DEMA Raffle Winner!

    Posted by on November 21, 2016
    Congratulations to Patty Nemec and guest! You won our 2016 DEMA Raffle. 7 nights and 5 days of diving for 2 people in an Ocean View Room. Includes: 10 dives • ocean view hotel room • hotel tax • airport transfers • breakfast • complimentary pot of coffee/tea delivered to your room as part of...

    Marine Conservation

    Posted by on October 30, 2016
    Come learn about the marine environment and the animals we love in one of our annual special conservation events. Manta Ray Bay Resort has partnered with leading scientists and conservation organizations from around the world to bring you active hands-on marine workshops for all-ages. Take your pick from Mantas and Sharks or Marine Biology with...

    MantaFest 2016

    Posted by on October 18, 2016
    At the 9th annual MantaFest photography festival we welcome last year's entire winner's circle, several first timer's, Steven Miller and Ikelite as well as Solmar V and Siren Fleet. Presenting this year from left to right; Ray Bullion, Andy Shumacher, Bill Acker, Steven Miller, Frank Schneider and Brad Holland. MantaFest is a small event with...

    New Culture Experiences

    Posted by on October 18, 2016
    It's getting easier to experience the local culture - new tours and excursions are being developed. A personal village walk with a local guide and local food lunch at a beach house is a new addition that really demonstrates a typical Yapese day. See a village, hear stories, local lore, historic accounts and take a...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)