Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    MantaFest non-dSLR Winners

    Posted by on September 11, 2017
    1st Place Compact Camera Division BIG ANIMALS - Pierre Mineau Mares Fusion Regulator, MV Octopus and Instrument Mission 1 gauge console MACRO Pierre Mineau Light & Motion Gobi Light and a $500 Ikelite Gift Certificate CULTURE - Pierre Mineau $500 Ikelite Gift Certificate and a Mares Torch EOS 4rz REEF SCENIC - Ann Donahue Ikelite...

    MantaFest Grand Prizes

    Posted by on September 11, 2017
    BEST OF SHOW: Judy Bennet - 7-day Dive Damai trip to Raja Ampat. Shot at Vertigo at our special "sunset shark split" shoot. BEST OF DSLR: Sheila Ott - 7-day Odyssey Adventures liveaboard in Truk Lagoon Shot at Yap Caverns. This image was submitted in the "Behavior" category. BEST OF Compact Camera: Ann Donahue -...

    David Fleetham at MantaFest

    Posted by on September 2, 2017
    David Fleetham shot Santia sp Isopods at Yap Caverns on a grey sponge. These critters are 1mm in length, or less. Shot with Canon 5D MKIV, 100mm Macro with +5 and +10 diopters. Looking at these with the naked eye, they appear as orange specks on grey sponges.

    Frank Schneider at MantaFest

    Posted by on August 31, 2017
    Frank is on an "Air, Land & Sea" media adventure, here's a sneak peak at what will be in some German press soon, shot the first week of MantaFest, 2017.

    Exclusive Yap & Palau Combo

    Posted by on August 16, 2017
    Dive the best of Micronesia without crowds on exclusive dive sites with just you and your dive buddy's bubbles. Combine a week in Palau on Ocean Hunter with a week in Yap. Get special deals and airfare by booking with us! Click, call or email us to save money! Palau Liveaboard Diving The benefit of...

    Exclusive Diving

    Posted by on July 30, 2017
    One of the biggest benefits of your Yap dive holiday is the exclusiveness of your experience with near private reef diving year-round. Yap has almost 100 miles of outer reef and less than 2,000 divers per year - offering travelers a unique experience - small groups and exclusive dive sites. Yap Caverns, Goofnuw Channel, M'il...

    Philippines + Yap

    Posted by on July 22, 2017
    Experience the coral triangle + Yap's big animal sanctuary in one combination dive holiday - two weeks of valet diving, 20 dives in 2 marine parks. The Best of Anilao Anilao, Batangas offers a good mix of reefs, sandy slopes, caves and piers that make for a really interesting Dive experience. A boat ride away...

    Manta Fest Prizes 2017

    Posted by on June 24, 2017
    MantaFest Photography Festival and Image Contest is known for being a small personal event with top professionals hosting workshops and HUGE prizes being awarded for submitted images. Bill has grown his photography event with new presenters and new prizes to take home. This year is no exception and we'll be sending our winning shooters on...

    The Best of Yap

    Posted by on June 4, 2017
    Get Yap and MORE... Bill has been steadily growing an array of offers throughout the year and setting up combinations with Palau and [now] the Philippines that create a true "Best of" Micronesia opportunity. Experience the uniqueness of Yap where you dive exclusive dive sites with no crowds in a big animal sanctuary and exotic...

    Desde Yap, os Melhores Pacotes de Mergulho para a Micronésia e as Filipinas!

    Posted by Jose on June 1, 2017
    Viajar para Yap é, sem dúvida nenhuma, optar por um dos melhores lugares do mundo para mergulhar. Mas também significa que você estará a apenas um ou dois vôos curtos de outros destinos sensacionais e ainda preservados para desfrute dos mergulhadores mais exigentes. Então por que não aproveitar e combinar Yap e alguns desses destinos...

    Continually Improving

    Posted by on June 1, 2017
    Continuing Education Never Stops at the Manta Ray Bay Resort All dive guides, concierges, front desk staff and even our drivers are undergoing updated medical training. This initiative is being conducted by Oliver “OP” Acker and Michael Ranganbay, our two PADI EFR Instructors. "This training is just another example of my effort aimed at having...

    Eine Naturschutz-Gemeinschaft aufbauen für die kommende Generation!

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on May 25, 2017
    Schließe Dich dem Manta Ray Bay Resort, und der Mikronesischen Naturschutz-Koalition sowie Matson Shipping an bei ihren Bemühungen, ein einmaliges Inselabenteuer für die ganze Familie auf die Beine zu stellen, bei der Kinder das marine Ökosystem kennen und verstehen lernen um in interaktiven Ökologie-Workshops zu lernen wieso der Naturschutz absolut wichtig ist. Das "Kids SeaLife...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)