Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    Yap Mangroves

    Posted by on January 8, 2018
    As part of Marine Biology weeks event, we have some fun information about Yap's mangroves to share: A view from space on Yap shows a green island with dense forests. Yap is not a volcanic island, but part of the largely submerged oceanic Philippine plate (whereas actually most of the Philippines do not belong to...

    2017 Marine Biology Weeks Event Report

    Posted by on January 8, 2018
    ***Great first MARINE BIOLOGY WEEKS at Manta Ray Bay Resort !*** Three different Workshops were successfully conducted in course of the first Marine Biology Weeks at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers in Yap/Micronesia: One 3-day Marine Biology Workshop “basic”, a 2-day Coral-ID Workshop and a 2-day Marine Biology Workshop “advanced”. MARINE BIOLOGY WORKSHOP...

    Manta Mania 2018

    Posted by on December 11, 2017
    Here is our lineup of presenting scientists for our next Manta Mania citizen science event. Come learn about sharks and rays while diving with big animals in a super size 16 dive special event week in Yap! Photo ID's, special research dives and learning directly from today's leading scientists on our big animals in Yap....

    Marine Biology Weeks Trip Report

    Posted by on December 9, 2017
    Great first MARINE BIOLOGY WEEK at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers! During the 3-day Marine Biology Workshop “basic” we started with fishes, how to identify the families, their characteristics and ecological role. We also used a species list from The FishBase Project including 1070 fish species of Micronesia. Next day´s topic was coral...

    Eine Premiere in Yap: Nachlese zum Meeres-Biologie-Workshop Teil 2

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on December 2, 2017
    Diplom-Biologe Stephan Moldzio über die 1. Meeresbiologie-Woche in Yap:   "Während des zweitägigen Korallenbestimmungs-Workshops befassten wir uns ausführlich mit Korallen und der Methode der Korallenbestimmung auf Ebene der verschiedenen Gattungen. Dazu verwendeten wir den "Indopacific Coral Finder“ von Russell Kelley/BYOGUIDES, Gründer des „Coral Identification Capacity Building Program (CIPB). Einen genaueren Blick warfen wir sowohl auf...

    Eine Premiere in Yap: Nachlese zum Meeres- biologie-Workshop Teil 1

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on December 1, 2017
      Diplom-Biologe Stephan Moldzio über die 1. Meeresbiologie-Woche in Yap: „Während des dreitägigen Basis-Workshop Meeresbiologie nahmen wir als erstes die Fische unter die Lupe und klärten, wie die verschiedenen Familien identifiziert werden, deren Charakteristika und ihre Rolle im Ökosystem. Dazu nutzten wir zusätzlich die Artenliste vom FishBase Projekt, welches 1070 Fischarten in Mikronesien enthält. Am...

    Lob & Auszeichnungen 2017

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on November 17, 2017
    Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers haben in diesem Jahr gleich drei Auszeichnungen erhalten: den Trip Advisor Travelers’ Choice Award 2017, eine 6/6 Punkte-Bewertung von Holiday Check and dazu den Leserwahl-Preis 2018 vom amerikanischen Tauchsport-Magazin SCUBA Diving 2018, der uns jüngst auf der DEMA in Orlando verliehen wurde.

    2017 Praise and Awards

    Posted by on November 17, 2017
    Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers earned Trip Advisor Travelers' Choice Award 2017 as well as a 6/6 rating on Holiday Check and was just given a SCUBA Diving Magazine Reader's Choice Award 2018 at DEMA.

    Philippines + Yap Special Combinations

    Posted by on November 14, 2017
      Plan your "Big and Small" exotic dive trip combining Yap and the Philippines. Dive Marine Parks in both countries and experience some of the world's most consistent big animal diving and the magic of macro in the Philippines - in one trip - check out the package >   Two weeks and 20 dives...

    Coral ID Workshops

    Posted by on October 20, 2017
    November 12th – November 26th is Marine Biology Weeks in Yap! Learn coral identification and all about reef ecosystems in a two week dive package in Yap, with Stephan Moldzio from We are going to learn about marine ecology as well as the climate system, global material cycles as well as environmental protection throughout...

    O Melhor da Micronésia para suas Férias de Mergulho!

    Posted by Jose on September 28, 2017
    Experimente o melhor pacote de Férias na Micronésia com uma combinação de Yap e Palau. O Manta Ray Bay Resort organizou a melhor aventura de Mergulho na Micronésia especialmente para nossos clientes, com o novo pacote de duas semanas e 23 mergulhos abrangendo Yap e Palau! Venha desfrutar do melhor de Palau onde se pode...

    DEMA Specials

    Posted by on September 21, 2017
    Our 2017 DEMA Specials are out! 10 paid / 3 FREE 10% off dive packages (low season) 2018 10% off MantaFest 2018 Yap + Ocean Hunter, Palau Visit Booth #1044 @ DEMA Check us out at DEMA, we're in the Micronesia section.    FREE Flight Help
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)