Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    2018 MantaFest Winners Compact

    Posted by on September 14, 2018
    Big Animals First Place - Ann Donahue Second Place - Lee Shinwoong Third Place - Lee Shinwoong Honorable Mention - Ann Donahue Behavior First Place - Julie Nefczyk Second Place - Ann Donahue Third Place - Ann Donahue Honorable Mention - Jimwoong Kim People, Island & Culture First Place - Diana Bullion Second Place -...

    Digital Dive Site Briefing

    Posted by on August 21, 2018
    The crew is getting spun up on a digital upgrade to your dive briefings. Assisted by 3D mapping technology and Ocean Maps ap, our guests are getting an enhanced orientation to their dive plan. OP Acker is spearheading this improvement and working with the crew on familiarizing with the new waterproof hardware. These tablets will...

    Korallenzucht in Yap

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on August 19, 2018
    Yap Divers haben eine eigene Korallenzucht ins Leben gerufen. Am beliebten Makro-Tauchplatz Slow & Easy, an unserem nächstgelegenen Riffkanal, haben wir mehrere baumartige Strukturen versenkt an denen jetzt Setzlinge verschiedener Arten schnell wachsender Geweihkorallen in der Strömung hängen und so Nährstoffe zugeführt bekommen. Mögen sie prächtig gedeihen!   Natürlich zeigen die stolzen Korallen-Farmer unseren Gästen...

    New Dive Schedule

    Posted by on August 17, 2018
    A new development on the dive dock is a "choose your dive experience" style scheduling board. Bill has been developing an improved diver experience and just launched a new dive schedule where you get to choose your dive day from the day's options. We schedule two-tank dive site combinations and post visual summaries that you...

    Yap Coral Reef Restoration

    Posted by on August 16, 2018
    Yap Divers started an in-house coral reef restoration project with several nursery trees getting setup at Slow n Easy, our nearest channel and famed macro dive site. Fast-growing branching coral colony samples are hanging in the new nursery, several species of staghorn corals were selected to seed this initiative. When you are diving Yap, check...

    Yap Divers 4 Sharks!

    Posted by on July 13, 2018
    Dive Micronesia in a shark sanctuary learning about shark ecology with conservation experts who will presenting the latest state of sharks and how we can protect them. This event is two-weeks, October 12th to 26th, 2019 with special dive plans that focus on shark interactions. Get the best of blue water Yap diving with International...

    21 Tauchplatzkarten

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on June 22, 2018
    Wie weit stürzt die Wand an Vertigo eigentlich in die Tiefe? Ist es realistisch, den Mi'il Channel vom Yap Corner via Mi'il Drift (den "Ellbogen") und Tzimoulis Ridge bis zur Putzerstation durchzutauchen? Falls ihr ganz einfach in Erinnerungen schwelgen wollt, euch Inspiration für den kommenden Tauchurlaub in Yap holen wollt: Hier ist das passende Werkzeug...

    Wir sind in der “Hall of Fame” von TripAdvisor!

    Posted by daniel.brinckmann on June 21, 2018
    Sieben Jahre in Folge hat sich das Manta Ray Bay Resort das "Zertifikat für Spitzenleistungen" verdient... jetzt sind wir in der Hall of Fame von TripAdvisor angekommen. Vielen Dank an alle Gäste, die ihre Zeit bei uns in Yap bewertet haben!

    2018 Trip Advisor Hall of Fame

    Posted by on June 7, 2018
    Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers has achieved Trip Advisor's Certificate of Excellence for 7 years in a row and joins it's Hall of Fame.

    NEW Ticketing Service

    Posted by on April 25, 2018
    We can book your travel tickets to Yap from Anywhere in the world FREE Flight Help We will send you routes, flight numbers and buying options to Yap, from anywhere in the world. If you provide travel dates (optional), we can provide exact prices, try it out, [contact-form-7 id="8272" title="flight-help"]

    Manta Mania 2018 Trip Report

    Posted by on March 23, 2018
    Our fourth Manta Mania event brought divers and scientsts together to learn about Manta Rays, Sharks and Coral Reef Systems in a fun and social vacation package. This year we had four presenting scientists specializing in marine mammals, deep sea corals, long term coral reef monitoring... and of course, manta rays! This event is where...

    Yap Mantas and Macro

    Posted by on February 7, 2018
    Yap Manta Diving Tis the season for the year's most exciting manta ray diving where the chance to find yourself in a manta mating dance over a shallow reef, exist here like nowhere else in the world. At daily manta ray dives where we're getting the cleaning station encounter with rays slowly gliding right in...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)