Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    Guest Experience: Simone & Thomas visit Yap

    Posted by on November 19, 2010
    (syndicated from ) Following for all foreigners, which only speak English, i´ll give you my experience with YAP Divers @ MANTA RAY BAY HOTEL We've visited YAP in April. The trip was gone to Palau & Yap for 3 weeks. It was organized by Roger Tours Germany (but you can contact them trough their...

    Visit us at DEMA 2010 in Las Vegas Booth #733

    Posted by on November 17, 2010
    If you are at DEMA this year, come on by and visit us at Booth # 733.  We will be there to answer any and all of your questions.  Whether you want to know about the amazing marine life in Yap like Manta Rays, Frog Fish, Pipe Fish, and Mandarine Fish, just to name a...

    Yaps Adlerrochen im Hormonrausch!

    Posted by on November 16, 2010
    Frühlingsgefühle in Yap: Normalerweise sind die geflügelten Rochen eher scheue Gesellen, die Fotografen schon mal in den Wahnsinn treiben, derzeit scheinen zumindest die Adlerrochen im Mi'l Channel im Hormonrausch schon mal Taucher mit ihren Artgenossen zu verwechseln. Zumindest mir erging es so nachdem ich wieder und wieder einer Gruppe von fünf Tieren im flachen Wasser...

    Diving Yap Island with Valerie

    Posted by on October 14, 2010
    This really isn’t Valerie, at least not this time.  I am writing for her as I have tried a number of times to get her to do a blog of her dives but to no avail.  Maybe if I start, she will get into the mood and the hang of it.  Like all fathers, I...

    Yap/Palau Airfare Special

    Posted by on October 2, 2010
    Continental Airlines has just announced a special promotion for flights from the United States to Yap and Palau.  Here is the flyer that they are sending to their customers. For more information on traveling to Yap, please contact your favorite dive travel specialist or write directly to us at: We hope you take advantage...

    *Trommelwirbel*… und die Gewinner sind:

    Posted by on September 17, 2010
    Kategorie “Land & Kultur“: Doris Robohm Kategorie “Rifflandschaft“: Judy Bennett Kategorie “Verhalten“: Michael Martini Kategorie “Makro“: Judy Bennett Kategorie “Mantas & Haie“: Doris Robohm Kategorie “Bestes Foto“: Judy Bennett Mit drei Erstplatzierungen hat Judy Bennett einen SEHR guten Grund, im nächsten Jahr zum fünften Mal in Folge zum Manta Fest nach Yap zu kommen. Die...

    Castaway’s “Wilson” ist zurück – runderneuert :-)

    Posted by on September 16, 2010
    Was macht man in Yap mit treibendem Unkraut - sprich Kokosnüssen, sozusagen den Brennnesseln Mikronesiens? Man bringt sie auf's Boot, ritzt zwei "Augen" hinein und treibt Unfug damit. Naja, jedenfalls, wenn man Ray Bullion heißt und den stressigen Job eines Manta Fest-Juroren hat!

    Yap Manta Fest Finishes with Great Image

    Posted by on September 16, 2010
    By TIM ROCK (Tadhg Carraig)The Manta Fest ended with the judging of the photo contest and Manta Man Bill Acker giving out some pretty great awards. Judges were Andy Sallmon, Tim Rock, Ray Bullion and Peter Schneider and they saw some images sublime and other ridiculous. But one thing was clear by the submissions. Everyone...

    Mantafest 2010 Photo Contest Winners

    Posted by on September 16, 2010
    The Manta Fest ended with the judging of the photo contest and Manta Man Bill Acker giving out some pretty great awards. Judges were Andy Sallmon, Tim Rock, Ray Bullion and Peter Schneider and they saw some images sublime and other ridiculous. But one thing was clear by the submissions. Everyone had great diving and...

    Es wird spannend…

    Posted by on September 15, 2010
    Natürlich steigt der Puls auch, wenn man ins Wasser springt und keine Ahnung hat, was einem als nächstes vor die Linse schwimmen wird. Nach zehn Tagen Non-Limit-Fotografie haben sich allerdings heute unsere Jury – Andy Sallmon, Tim Rock, Ray Bullion und Peter Schneider - zusammen gesetzt und die Gewinner des Manta Fest ermittelt. Länger als...

    Ammenmärchen werden wahr!

    Posted by on September 12, 2010
    Okay, es klingt dekadent, aber seien wir doch mal ehrlich: Schwerelos über Korallenriffe segeln macht erst richtig Spaß, wenn der Blick von der einen zur anderen Kanalseite reicht. Am Yap Corner, dem Ausgang des Mi'l Channel, war es gestern wieder soweit. Bei rund 30 Metern Sicht ging es im Sturzflug hinunter auf den Kanalboden. Erst...

    Drifting Through Manta Fest

    Posted by on September 11, 2010
    Story and Photos by Tim RockToday we did a wild  5-in-1 drift starting at Magic Kingdom and ending at Yap Caverns and Lionfish Wall. Ai did some nice snorkeling in the Cavern Crevices and then we headed to Millennium. Photographers are starting to compile a nice portfolio of images as the dives continue. The macro...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)