Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    BOOT Show 2011 – Winner of the Free Trip to Yap

    Posted by on February 12, 2011
    Congratulations to Mr. Guntram Vogelsgesang of Hohenfurch, Germany whose name was drawn from over 550 entries during a ceremony Friday the 4th of February on the S/V Mnuw.  Guntram has been notified that he has won a free 7 night/5 dive day stay at the Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers, Micronesia's finest dedicated...

    European shows: Salon de la Plongee, Boot, FESPO

    Posted by on February 10, 2011
    We at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers would like to take a minute to thank the newbies, the repeaters and colleagues from the industry who passed by at our booths at the „Salon de la Plongee“ in Paris, the „boot“ show in Düsseldorf as well as the „FESPO“ in Zürich. Bill, Jan, Detlef...

    Messen in Europa: Salon de la Plongee, Boot, FESPO

    Posted by on February 10, 2011
    Nachdem die europäischen Messen vorbei sind (und die Erkältungen überstanden sind), möchten wir uns bei allen alten und neuen Gästen und den Kollegen aus der Tauchsportindustrie für ihren Besuch an unseren Ständen bedanken, ganz gleich ob im „Salon de la Plongee“ in Paris, der „boot“ in Düsseldorf, oder der „FESPO“ in Zürich. Bill, Jan, Detlef...

    Liebe Messebesucher der BOOT 2011

    Posted by on February 7, 2011
    Wir Bill Acker, Detlef Trux, Jan Sledsens und Daniel Brinckmann moechten uns recht herzlich fuer euren Besuch und euer Interesse an Yap – Mikronesien, den Yap Divers und dem Manta Ray Bay Resort bedanken.  Es war uns eine Freude euch zu begruessen, kennenzulernen und zu informieren.  Zu Fragen bei eurer Urlaubsplanung Wer, Wie, Wo, Was,...

    Taro Leaf Spa, the only spa in Yap

    Posted by on January 27, 2011
    I was touring a group of Hong Kong wholesalers and travel agents around the hotel this week.  They were over here for a week of investigation for the travel industry in Hong Kong and South East Asia.  They had spent the morning with us on a Kayak Tour with our two excellent and very knowledgeable...

    Yap Divers Will Visit Düsseldorf BOOT Show 2011

    Posted by on January 7, 2011
    Bill Acker, Detlef Trux and Jan Sledsens will be coming to Germany from Yap to exhibit at the BOOT 2011.  Detlef can be found at the Yap/Palau booth E76 while Bill & Jan will be at the Yap Divers’ booth within the Quality Divers Pavilion E20.  Please come visit and let’s talk about diving in...

    Yap Anglers and a Boy’s First Fishing Trip

    Posted by on January 7, 2011
    Yesterday the weather was beautiful in Yap.  The sea was flat and there was just the slightest breath of a breeze.  Yap Divers boat captains and dive guides were out with the Manta Ray Bay guests and a few others from other hotels on the island, the only boat left on the mooring was Popou. ...

    MANTA FEST 2011 mit Frank Schneider, Marty Snyderman, Tim Rock und Peter Schneider

    Posted by on January 6, 2011
    LAST MINUTE-MELDUNG: NATÜRLICH SIND WIR - BILL ACKER, JAN SLEDSENS, DETLEF TRUX & DANIEL BRINCKMANN - AUCH DIESES JAHR AUF DER BOOT IN DÜSSELDORF (Halle 3, E20, Quality Divers)! Nun die (Presse)Infos zum Manta Fest und noch ein Tipp für alle Interessierten: Den ersten zehn Teilnehmern, die auf der boot buchen, spendieren wir ein Dinner...

    Yap Divers – 25 Years of Excellence in Micronesia

    Posted by on January 2, 2011
    I and my family, along with each of our more than 72 co-workers, join together to wish all of our past, current and future guests a very safe, happy and prosperous New Year. 2011 is the 25th anniversary of Yap Divers and I am very proud of this achievement.  Not a lot of dive operations...

    Manta Ray Bay Resort in “tauchen” (Ausgabe 12/2010)

    Posted by on December 31, 2010
    Mit Pressereisen ist das so eine Sache: Einerseits kosten sie den Journalisten so gut wie nichts, anderseits laufen sie „dank“ des meist knapp bemessenen Zeitrahmens unter Hochdruck und nach dem Prinzip „Schnell, schnell, wir müssen ja noch dies fotografieren und das klären“. Das Ergebnis: Oft genug hat man nur die Möglichkeit, an der Oberfläche zu...

    Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers finds the manta rays of Yap

    Posted by on December 28, 2010
    There has been a lot of talk going around recently that the manta rays of Yap have been pretty shy.  Well that may have some element of truth in it but for sure they have not left Yap, far from it, they are still here just like always, just in a different place.  And as...

    Learn To Dive with Yap Divers

    Posted by on December 27, 2010
    It is a fact that Yap Divers is the premier place to go in Yap when thinking about diving qualifications.  Firstly, we are a dedicated dive resort, which means the dive shop and hotel are integrated so there is no distance to travel at all as everything is in one location.  That location is based...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)