Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    Screw mantas, let’s move on to the sharks… MantaFest shoot-out – August 29 – Day two

    Posted by on September 2, 2011
    Underwater photographers are one of a kind... “Well, we got our mantas yesterday, now let's move on to the sharks“, was the general opinion on the jetty in the morning. Said and done. Half an hour later guests and photo hosts plunged into the water at Vertigo and into a group of around 20 grey...

    Manta Journal #1

    Posted by on August 30, 2011
    MantaFest Shoot-Out - 28.08.2011 - Tag Eins „Endlich da!“ Mit gutem Wetter und natürlich mit mares-Equipment im Gepäck kam Reisejournalist Frank Schneider (u.a. tauchen) nach einem Jahr zurück ins Manta Ray Bay Resort nach Yap. Diesmal allerdings als Workshop-Betreuer zum Unterwasserfoto-Wettbewerb MantaFest. Als Frank noch mit dem „Ankommen“ beschäftigt war, zog es Berufskollegen Tim Rock...

    Manta Journal #1

    Posted by on August 30, 2011
    With good weather in his bags, travel journalist Frank Schneider made his way back to Manta Ray Bay Resort in Yap. In contrast to last year when he did a piece for Germany's “tauchen“ magazine, he returned as one in four supervising professionals and jury member for the international shoot-out, which is co-sponsored by mares,...

    National Geographic to Begin Showing the Documentary Made, in part in Yap, About Manta Rays of the World

    Posted by on June 17, 2011
    Dear Friends, I have just received the following from Gisela and Carsten Kaufman who were in Yap shooting a feature documentary on the manta rays of the world.  The Yap portion featured Dr. Kathy Townsend, the Lead Scientist for Project Manta at the University of Queensland. We haven’t seen the film yet but these folks...

    German Intern Spending Time with Yap Divers

    Posted by on May 23, 2011
    Hi, my name is Martin Wiesneth and I am working for the travel agency Schoener Tauchen in Germany (   . My current job gives me the opportunity to get in touch with a lot of our long-time partners, such as Bill Acker and the staff at Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers, diving all...

    Midyear Anniversary Sale!

    Posted by on May 14, 2011
    Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year and to mark this special occasion we are discounting our rates! Take advantage of our midyear anniversary and save big from June 2011-October 2011. We are discounting ($200/person) all Hotel/Dive Packages of 7 nights or longer.  These packages include Room, 10%...

    Swiss Tour Operator, Schoener Tauchen, Recently Sent a Group to Yap

    Posted by on April 25, 2011
    Marta Lewandowski has been working with owner Robi Frommenwiler for more than a year to put a group of Swiss divers into Yap and Palau.  Marta, who has been here numerous times and is a personal favorite of mine, as well as our staff, was to be the group leader.  At the last minute, she...

    New NITROX Membrane Installed at Yap Divers

    Posted by on April 20, 2011
    The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers recently received a new NITROX membrane from NRC of Germany.  Mr. Kay Schmalschläger the main technical person for NRC Germany was in Yap to personally design and then build the new membrane.  The membrane runs off of an Atlas Copco compressor, also supplied by NRC and then...

    Zegrahm Expeditions Co-founder Jack Grove Leads Another Yap Adventure

    Posted by on April 12, 2011
    Jack Grove recently brought a group of 7 divers and 9 snorkelers to Yap.  This was Jack’s 12th time in Yap and he has already mentioned that on his next trip, he will schedule additional time in Yap before, or after, the Zegrahm Expeditions’ visit.  For those of you unfamiliar with whom and what Zegrahms...

    Sea for Yourself Brings Another Group of Snorkelers to the Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers

    Posted by on April 8, 2011
    For a number of years, Sea for Yourself, Inc. has been leading groups of snorkelers to Yap and other points in Micronesia.  Per their website, they “offer small group programs focused on tropical reef ecology designed especially for snorkelers of any age or skill level.”  You can learn more about their programs by visiting their...

    Scuba Hut of Maryland Invades Yap

    Posted by on April 5, 2011
    Bill Dwyer and his wife Linda recently led a group of 8 divers from the Scuba Hut Dive Shop to Yap.  Bill first came to Yap with our good friend Mike Musto, former owner of Trip N Tour Dive Travel.  This was back in 2006 and Bill dreamed of coming back ever since.  Unfortunately, Bill...

    Manta Man of Okinawa Returns to Yap

    Posted by on February 16, 2011
    Mr. Takashi Ito and his wife Kyoko Ito owner of Kohama Island Dive Shop (Ito Service) in Okinawa, Japan has returned to Yap and among other things celebrated a birthday with us.  This is Mr. & Mrs. Itos’ 26th visit to Yap and the Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.  Ito’s diving love is...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)