Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    Reef tour with Alex and a surprise

    Posted by on August 1, 2012
    This afternoon on a 3rd dive, Alex took us on a Pacific side reef tour that gave us a little surprise. We rolled off the boat together and turned over to see 100+ feet of vis and a swarm of humphead wrasse on our way down the reef slope. After gliding down to about 90...

    PADI Member Silver Anniversary

    Posted by on July 31, 2012
    Yap Divers and the Manta Ray Bay Hotel celebrate 25 years as a PADI member. Regional Manager Michael Janssen is on the island to personally thank and congratulate Bill and Patricia on their silver PADI membership anniversary. In the photo is Patricia, Bill, Michael and Jan the dive op manager. That's 25 years of being...

    Yap Media Development

    Posted by on July 30, 2012
    Things have been busy here at the resort on the video front. We have Jim and Patricia testing out brand new Sony HD video cameras with Amphibco housings out on the reef. There's some new Manta Ray Bay promo material in the works, some of it I'll leak here before it flies back to Michigan...

    Underwater Stone Money Tour

    Posted by on July 25, 2012
    Part of the Island's charm are the stories and folklore about Stone Money. The other day diving O'Keefe's Passage, Gordon showed me some encrusted buried treasure. Stone Money is still valued and traded today. The value is based on each piece's story about it's journey to Yap. The harder it was to get here, the...

    July Yappenings

    Posted by on July 22, 2012
    Thanks Bruce for your comments on the Lap around Yap post... he gave the ole, "Yeah, yeah, show me what we really come for..." - Roger that. Today we're looking at some quick selections pulled right off of Marc's Nikon D300s. He was nice enough to walk his camera down to the photo shop and...

    Yap “Mystery Fish”

    Posted by on July 22, 2012
    We have a real mystery brewing on the island. A couple days ago our guest Eric from Bakersfield, CA brought back a photograph of a fish, that so far, has not been identified. [caption id="attachment_1759" align="aligncenter" width="625"] Unidentified Mystery Fish[/caption] The whole 8 pound fish almanac came out more than once and we aren't any...

    Guide Excellence on the Reef

    Posted by on July 15, 2012
    Check out John's form in the water this morning. It turns out that my SD card caught a nice dive guide example moment and thought I'd share. All of this went down as we dropped onto the reef just outside the Channel and started down the corral slope in a sandbox. John stopped the guests...

    Getting around Yap

    Posted by on July 15, 2012
    I'm happy to be the one to pass this information. I've been checking this place out and sure enough it's the real deal island paradise. First, let's cover some basics about getting around and being in Yap. Saying hi - "Mogethin" is the standard greeting, it has a little pronunciation spin on it that will...

    Honeymoon Yap Tour

    Posted by on July 14, 2012
    Meet Martyn and Paulina from Cambridge. They just wrapped up a week in Palau then pulled a "honeymoon" line in and out of the water here in Yap. They managed to hit a 4 day window and be the only divers on the schedule. They had the shop, boat dock, boats and dive sites to...

    Divers from Down Under Invade Yap

    Posted by on July 13, 2012
    In late June/early July we had the distinct pleasure of hosting 7 Aussies from the Gold Coast for 10 days.  They are all friends of Trevor Smith who was the longtime owner of Diversity Dive.  Trevor was accompanied by his wife Tara and young son Drew.  Drew quickly became the darling of the resort and...

    The 4th of July Week in Yap

    Posted by on July 11, 2012
    Yap Divers and the Manta Ray Bay Hotel 4th of July holiday week on the island - This is today's Yap status report, the latest dive conditions and a demonstration of Bill Acker's custom hospitality game. Unique Dive Vacation Options Private beach party for 10 with a 4 course BBQ and kegged micro-brew, the perfect...

    Yap & Manta Ray Bay Resort unter den weltweit besten Manta-Plätzen

    Posted by on May 31, 2012
    Die Schutzbemühungen rund um die mikronesische Insel Yap trägt Früchte: Seit der Entdeckung des „Stammtisches“ durch Jan Sledsens und das Yap Divers-Team im vergangenen Jahr ist an eben dieser Stelle im Mi'l Channel praktisch kein Tauchgang ohne Manta-Begegnung vergangen. Gerade angesichts der rapide angestiegenen Fischerei auf Mantas und Mobulas freuen wir uns darüber, dass Dr....
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)