Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    Happy Year End

    Posted by on December 27, 2012
    Hello again, we're back with the Yap status reports (finally). I'm happy to be posting this after a couple of months off island... here's my update and what today looks like at Bill's op. After surviving the end of the world, a whole bunch of people showed up ready to dive and we have action...

    It’s European Show Season Once Again

    Posted by on December 20, 2012
    Myself (Bill Acker) along with colleagues Detlef Trux and Jan Sledsens are once again preparing to depart Yap and head for the colder climates of Europe to exhibit at some of the major dive shows there. Jan will travel first as he will go home to see his family for a few days and will...

    Hands Free Yap

    Posted by on December 12, 2012
    Bill made it even more convenient to dive Yap. After breakfast on the Mnuw you can walk to the boat with only your sunblock to meet your gear... all of it. This upgrade came in the form of a few dozen Manta Ray branded Armor dive bags and a new luxury guest policy that says...

    A GREAT Thanksgiving week

    Posted by on November 29, 2012
    [caption id="attachment_2825" align="aligncenter" width="800" caption="Snorkeling Miil Channel"][/caption] I just had the pleasure of diving through a brilliant Thanksgiving week at Manta Ray. Take a look at some of the highlights of the past week here: CLICK HERE FOR IMAGES Special thanks to MRBH's Louise for diving with the mantas with me and Hursie for snorkeling...

    Yap – Tauchen mit Mantas, Betelnüsse und mehr

    Posted by on November 16, 2012
    Es gibt nicht viele Orte auf der Welt von denen man sagen kann, dass sich die lange Anreise mehr als gelohnt hat. Yap, Teil der Federal States of Micronesia (FSM), liegt inmitten des Pazifischen Ozeans und gehört definitiv dazu.   Die Insel Yap ist etwa 18km lang und 3km breit, ca. 1300 km von Neuguinea...

    Dr. Erich Ritter’s Sharkschool finally comes to Yap and Manta Ray Bay!

    Posted by on October 24, 2012
    From May, 22-29, 2013, Dr. Erich Ritter brings his renowned workshop programme Sharkschool to Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.   Being one of the very few field researchers and expert for shark behavior, the Swiss-born scientist will share his knowledge and first-hand experience when it comes to human-shark-interaction. Apart from thrilling close encounters...

    “Haie können sprechen” – Sharkschool mit Erich Ritter im Mai erstmals auf Yap

    Posted by on October 24, 2012
    Vom 22. bis 29. Mai 2013 bringt Dr. Erich Ritter seinen erfolgreichen Workshop Sharkschool ins Manta Ray Bay Resort nach Yap. Als einer der ganz wenigen Feldforscher und Experten für Hai-Verhalten vermittelt der gebürtige Schweizer den Gästen sein Wissen zur Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Raubfisch. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei neben dem Erlebnis Haitauchen in der...

    Happy Birthday Carmen

    Posted by on October 11, 2012
    We aren’t 100% sure of the exact date because Carmen’s passport, which her father originally applied for her says her birth day is October 10th.  Her birth certificate says today, October 11th yet her Mom says she was born on the 12th.   Now I don’t know about you, but I know that Dads rarely get...

    We Really Are a Family Resort

    Posted by on October 9, 2012
    While going through digital images from our various cameras, I came across this picture of my wife Patricia pushing our grandson Thaddaeus to the pool in a makeshift stroller.  That’s improvisation if I have ever seen it. [caption id="attachment_2755" align="aligncenter" width="351" caption="Patricia Acker pushes Thaddaeus Acker Sullivan to the pool"][/caption] We have a number of...

    How to Drink Beer in the Rain

    Posted by on September 28, 2012
    As most of you are surely aware, living in the Tropics requires a bit of ingenuity from time to time.  Also, as most of you are aware it does rain, even in the Paradise which is Yap Island, but there is no need to worry about us as we have figured out a safe way...

    Manta Report News

    Posted by on September 27, 2012
    If you didn't know we have a new face on the reef, you should sign up to get the latest news articles and special offers - the Manta Report newsletter. Here's a special article from the latest edition, introducing NOLA, Yap's newest resident Manta Ray. Say hi to Nola, our newest identified Yap Manta Ray....

    Custom Cultural Delivery of Manta Ray Bay Hospitality

    Posted by on September 25, 2012
    This is how Manta Ray Bay gets together and combines custom hospitality options with traditional Yapese cultural delivery. This was the dinner party preparation and delivery for 33 people onboard the Mnuw that included traditional flavor as well the island's positive energy. The entire day, Detlef had the Manta Ray Bay and Mnuw crew preparing...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)