Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    Abenteuer an Yaps wilder Grenze

    Posted by on July 3, 2013
    Derzeit zeigen sich Yaps Tauchgründe von ihrer Schokoladenseite. Damit sind nicht nur die mehr als 30 kapitalen Büffelkopfpapageienfische, die unseren Gästen während des ganzen Tauchgangs an den Yap Caverns nicht von der Seite wichen. Gestern erlebten einige Gäste das was wir in Yap tauchen an der wilden Grenze nennen.  Neben einer eher unüblichen Begegnung mit...

    Wild Yap

    Posted by on July 2, 2013
    More guests went frontier diving yesterday and got a taste of some wild natural encounters with Manta Rays, a school of Silky sharks, rainbow runner and tuna feeding. The guides keep a watchful eye on the water and when there's action, the day's plan is modified on the fly. This is how to keep things...

    I Now Sentence You . . .

    Posted by on June 30, 2013
    With those words, Associate Justice of the Yap State Court, Cyprian Mugunbey pronounced our very good friends from Brazil – José Truda Palazzo and Nalu Machado husband and wife. Obviously a bit of a joke but it fit right in with the entire day. This wedding took place at our house and my wife Patricia,...

    Yap heißt die neuesten PADI Junior Open Water Diver willkommen!

    Posted by on June 28, 2013
    Sophie Purdon aus Florida und Lily McDonald aus Toronto, Kanada, sind jetzt - nachdem sie heute um 13 Uhr ihren Unterricht abgeschlossen hatten - die neuesten Junior Open Water Divers auf der ganzen Welt. Ihre letzten beiden Übungstauchgänge fanden statt am Stammtisch, dem Lieblingsplatz der Mantas von Yap, und an Vertigo, einem der besten Haiplätze...

    Scuba Diver Girls treffen die Haie von Yap!

    Posted by on June 26, 2013
    Heute stand Hai auf dem Tauchermenü, natürlich nicht auf dem Teller, sondern vor dem Außenriff am Philippinischen Meer an Vertigo, für viele Gäste der spannendste Tauchplatz der Insel. Glücklicherweise wächst die ohnehin gesunde Hai-Population beständig weiter - die "Locals" sagen, dass sich sich nicht daran erinnern können, jemals so viele Haie gesehen zu haben wie...

    Yap Welcomes The World’s Newest PADI Jr. Open Water Divers

    Posted by on June 26, 2013
    This was part of our Kids Sea Camp family dive adventure week that we host annually. Sophie Purdon from Florida by way of the Cayman Islands and Lily McDonald of Toronto, Canada are the newest Junior Open Water divers in the world, having completed their class this afternoon at 1 PM.  Their final two training...

    Scuba Diver Girls – Yap Sharks!

    Posted by on June 21, 2013
    Today was shark day on the outer reef in the Philippine Sea at Vertigo, Yap’s most exciting dive site. Yap has a healthy population of reef sharks that is still growing. Locals say that they don’t remember seeing as many sharks as they do these recent years. Protective legislation of the Manta Rays subsequently protects...

    Scuba Diver Girls – w/ the Ackers

    Posted by on June 20, 2013
    The southern tip of Yap’s barrier reef is where the Pacific Ocean and the Philippine Sea meet. It’s home to the most sea life diversity, brilliant coral, fun topography and water clarity in Yap. We saved this dive so that the Acker family can take the girls on a personal tour of Yap Caverns. Today’s...

    Scuba Diver Girls – Blogger’s Tour

    Posted by on June 19, 2013
    Today was the blogger tour of Yap diving with the girls. It says “Frontier Diving” on the first page of the brochure, so we did just that and hit the water with an open adventure plan, 12 tanks of Nitrox and lunch. Our first stop was the local cleaning station for the mantas deep inside...

    Scuba Diver Girls – Dive Day 2

    Posted by on June 17, 2013
    Day two of the girl’s Yap dive adventure kicked off with a smile of a sunrise on a private boat loaded with Nitrox, lunch and two of Manta Ray’s most experienced dive guides. Sunshine, calm water and the whole reef to yourself, this is Monday in Yap. Yap is where you dive rich tropical water...

    Scuba Diver Girls in Yap

    Posted by on June 16, 2013
    Back in March I threw a blind invitation at the Scuba Diver Girls to create a custom media party in Yap, and last night they finished their 24-hour travel across the Pacific Ocean. This week we’ll be promoting scuba diving’s people, places and products with Yap’s manta rays, sharks and warm water reef life as...

    Yap Status Report

    Posted by on June 10, 2013
    We've had some excellent weather and dive conditions recently resulting in solid photo ops around the island. These are my lastest snaps from the past couple of weeks from 6-8 dives. Right now is a good time to be in the water and to get in on all of this. Here's what it looks like...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)