Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

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    The Manta Blog

    Here you can keep up-to-date with the latest events, trips, news, and everything else going on at The Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers.

    Semana de Pesquisa e Conservação de Mantas em Yap – Venha Conosco!

    Posted by on November 26, 2014
    Texto de: B_rad Manta Mania com o Manta Trust na Micronésia! Um evento sobre raias-manta verdadeiramente especial vai acontecer em Yap na primeira semana de fevereiro, em parceria com o Manta Trust. Pesquisadores de renome de mantas e tubarões estarão comandando um simpósio sobre pesquisa de campo com participação de mergulhadores em Yap, onde nossos...


    Posted by on November 1, 2014
    Texto de: B_rad Amigos do Mergulho e de Yap, O fundador do Manta Ray Bay Resort & Yap Divers, Bill Acker, entrou oficialmente para o Panteão da Fama Internacional do Mergulho por seu pioneirismo em estruturar e promover o Mergulho em Yap. A cerimônia de entrada de Bill e mais cinco lendas vivas de nossa...

    Citizen Science Week

    Posted by on October 29, 2014
    Manta Trusts' Manta Mania in Micronesia! A truly special manta ray event will be hosted the first week of February in cooperation with Manta Trust. Leading manta ray and shark scientists will be hosting a citizen science field research symposium in Yap where guests will participate in scientific assignments and learn from the world's top researchers...

    Hall of Fame Yap

    Posted by on October 18, 2014
    Bill Acker officially joined the ranks of diving legends in the International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame for pioneering Yap. The induction ceremony was held in Grand Cayman for Bill and five others. The International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame was founded in 2000 by the Cayman Islands Ministry of Tourism and recognizes those who have...

    Bill Acker: Orgulho de ser um Mergulhador Mares

    Posted by on September 30, 2014
    Há alguns anos, eu procurei a equipe Mares na feira BOOT em Düsseldorf, Alemanha, pedindo que considerassem a inclusão da Yap Divers no Programa de Dive Centers Mares. Desde o dia em que nos aceitaram no programa, eu tenho me dedicado à marca Mares - porque eles fazem bons equipamentos, eles se responsabilizam pelo que...

    Manta Fest Awards

    Posted by on September 7, 2014
    All of this photography-game-stepping-up dive partying peaked with the contest awards banquet full of generous prizes. Everyone took home something from the sponsors. Winners were selected in dSLR and non-dSLR divisions with several categories that included big animals, macro, island/culture, night and Mandarinfish. Participants were also allowed to submit a slideshow where judges weighed in...

    Manta Fest 2014 – Fotos da Primeira Semana

    Posted by on September 6, 2014
    Posted by: B_rad Fechando a primeira semana da Manta Fest tivemos uma noite de apresentações no Crow´s Nest Bar, com os palestrantes comentando as fotos dos participantes - e, é claro, a projeção de algumas das super fotos dos profissionais aqui em Yap e em suas outras viagens mais recentes. Nossos convidados estão organizando workshops e...

    Manta Fest 2014!

    Posted by on September 5, 2014
    Texto de: B_rad Segunda-feira passada foi o dia oficial de abertura da Manta Fest, nosso evento anual de fotografia que celebra as mantas e a natureza marinha de Yap. A festa começou mesmo longe daqui, com os primeiros participantes se encontrando e trocando abraços no aeroporto de Manila e uma recepção informal a todos no salão...

    Proud To Be A Mares Man

    Posted by on September 2, 2014
    A few years ago, I approached the Mares contingent at the BOOT Show in Düsseldorf, Germany requesting them to consider Yap Divers for membership in the Mares Dive Center Program. From the moment they accepted us, I have been dedicated to the Mares’ brand - because they make good equipment, they stand behind what they...

    Manta Fest Status

    Posted by on August 30, 2014
    Wrapping up the first week of Manta Fest was an evening on the Crow's Nest bar with the presenters commenting on participants photos from the day's diving... and of course the smoking presentation of some of their shots of Yap and latest work. These guys are putting on workshops, evening presentations and taking appointments over...

    Manta Fest 2014

    Posted by on August 25, 2014
    Happy Monday and first official day of Manta Fest. Things started from a distance as the players got closer along the way to Yap. There was some hugs in Manila and an unofficial welcome reception in the Guam departure lounge on Saturday night. With our pro presenters finally off the road with the no-drama-with-luggage-please breath hold over...

    De Mantas a Mandarins, Dias Perfeitos em Yap

    Posted by on July 19, 2014
    Desde que chegamos a Yap na semana passada, pudemos experimentar mais uma vez a diversidade de Natureza e de cultura que este lugar tão especial tem a oferecer. Mas para esta sexta nossos irmãos locais Bill e Patricia Acker reservaram um pouco do melhor para a sua "família brasileira" levar lembranças indeléveis de tudo de...
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)