Manta Ray Bay Resort
1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)

Reservations & Availability

Micronesia is NOW open to tourism! We are OPEN!!

To inquire about future travel to Yap, please fill out our inquiry form below so we can offer you personalized service.

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    Arrival: Departure:

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    * If you would like help selecting dates and booking flights, we can do it for you! Just Ask Bill!

    Download a brochure:

    Posted by on August 16, 2018

    Yap Coral Reef Restoration

    Coral Reef Restoration, Yap Micronesia Coral Reef Restoration, Yap Micronesia Yap Divers started an in-house coral reef restoration project with several nursery trees getting setup at Slow n Easy, our nearest channel and famed macro dive site. Fast-growing branching coral colony samples are hanging in the new nursery, several species of staghorn corals were selected to seed this initiative. When you are diving Yap, check out this program and stay tuned for more development. Coral Reef Restoration, Yap Micronesia Don’t forget that return customers get a 10% discount and we offer FREE travel and flight help from anywhere in the world!
    1-800-DIVE-YAP (1-800-348-3927)